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  • đŸ’Ș Can You Bench Press 200-Pound Dumbbells Like Larry Wheels?

đŸ’Ș Can You Bench Press 200-Pound Dumbbells Like Larry Wheels?

The Ripped Report is so packed with good stuff today that we don't even have room for our usual intro joke. That's a shame, too, because it was a good one. (Spoiler: It was of the knock-knock variety.)

Before we start: Today's newsletter is presented by OUTLIFT pre-workout from Nutrex. Use the code “Outlift20” at checkout to get a 20% discount on your next order.

Does it still make sense to have a 212 bodybuilding division? Men’s Open competitor Iain Valliere recently had a hot take about the whole thing.

Forget the dumbbells and barbells for a second — these bodyweight exercises are perfect for building bigger, stronger biceps.

Powerlifter/bodybuilder Larry “Wheels” Williams recently decided to show off a bit by benching 200-pound dumbbells 
 for reps.


Should There Even Be a 212 Division?

Image: Chris Bernacchi

Derek Lunsford caused quite a stir when he took second place at the Mr. Olympia this past December. Not only were people shocked that a former 212 division competitor placed so well at his first Mr. Olympia — but it raised questions about the 212 division as a whole. If Lunsford could successfully transition from 212 to Men’s Open, can’t everyone else in the division do it, too? And if they can, why does the division exist at all?

On February 2, bodybuilder Iain Valliere appeared on ​​Fouad Abiad’s podcast, where he gave his opinion on the matter. Valliere said if 212 competitors like Shaun Clarida and Lunsford can beat Men’s Open competitors without issue, then “you really have no case for keeping the 212 [division], to be honest.”

It’s a debate that seemingly everyone in the industry has thoughts on, and it should only get more intense in March when Clarida moves to the Men’s Open division at the 2023 Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio.


Stop Feeling Run-Down During Your Workout

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Bodyweight Biceps Blowout

Image: mbframes / Shutterstock

Biceps training is beautiful in its simplicity. For the most part, you just need a dumbbell and a working knowledge of curls to get a solid workout. But what if you can’t get to the gym or are just plain tired of the same routine as always? The good news is that you can shake up your arm day by just using your body weight.

Training your biceps without weights is possible if you pick the right exercises. (And as long as you have access to a pull-up bar and some other basic equipment.) But don't worry about figuring it all out on your own because we've got a guide full of everything you'd ever want to know about bodyweight biceps exercises.


The Wheel Man Is Back at It

GIF: Larry Wheels on YouTube

​​Even though multi-strength sport athlete and occasional bodybuilder Larry “Wheels” Williams has relocated to the United States to focus on his health and physique development, he still showcases impressive feats of strength when possible. On February 2, Wheels displayed his power by bench pressing 200-pound dumbbells for four reps at a self-reported body weight of 255 pounds.

Spotting Wheels on the set was IFBB Pro League Men’s Open bodybuilder Joe Mackey, who is also no stranger to lifting big weights. (Mackey just hit a 910-pound deadlift last month at C.T. Fletcher‘s Iron Wars event.)

Check out Wheels’ latest jaw-dropping set below.


Two Birds, One Workout

Image: Lucky Business on Shutterstock