đź’Ş How to Boost Your Metabolism With Science

This week marks the 30th anniversary of the original Jurassic Park. If you’re old enough to remember seeing this blockbuster in theaters, it's probably time to go on a fiber supplement.

Here’s what we’ve got for you today:

  • How to boost your metabolism with science, according to strength coach Jeff Nippard.

  • Learn the three key principles for building strength.

  • The IFBB’s latest change to the Men’s Physique division.


Burn, Baby, Burn

Image: Jacob Lund via Shutterstock

Few phrases in the fitness industry live in infamy like “stoke your metabolic fire.” From green tea, to fasted cardio, to eating every three hours (or was it two?), setting your metabolism ablaze is all the rage.

Strength coach and content creator Jeff Nippard took to YouTube recently to unpack the science behind human metabolism and, more importantly, explain what actually works. If you’ve tried to lose weight or burn fat in the past with mixed results, employing one or more of these strategies just might be what you need to move the needle.

In the article below, you’ll find an abbreviated version of the main arguments Nippard makes in his video, as well as some specific, actionable steps you can take.


Strong Style

GIF: @TheOffice on Giphy

While many lifters train to improve their physique, working to enhance sheer strength will always appeal to a fundamental instinct. Like muscle-building workouts, the right strength-building program requires a specialized plan to achieve maximum results and move the heftiest of weights.

But in an endless sea of digital advice and bro science, it can be easy to lose sight of the principles behind strength training. And that’s exactly why we’re breaking all the basics down into a fine powder for you to digest without much fuss.

By the end of this article, you’ll learn how to train, eat, and recover for the sole purpose of getting stronger.


Change Is Afoot

Image: @ryanjterry on Instagram

Last week, the IFBB Pro League announced it will institute height and weight limits for the Men’s Physique division following the 2023 Olympia in November.

While we won’t know what the exact limits will be until later in the year, we do know the goal is for the heights and weights in Men’s Physique to be lower than those in the Classic Physique division.

“We’ve had great success with our heights and weights in Classic Physique so far,” NPC and IFBB Pro League Vice President Tyler Manion explained. “We want to make sure our Men’s Physique athletes are not getting too big.”

In terms of the blueprint for the division going forward, Manion specifically called out Emmanuel Hunter, Ryan Terry (pictured above), and Corey Morris as three competitors who capture the essence of what the league is looking for from Men’s Physique.


Image: Bojan656 via Shutterstock