đź’Ş 12 Best Hamstring Exercises for You

Smells like Fall. And old protein shakers. And gym socks. Someone should really clean up in here.

But before grabbing a broom, today's newsletter is sponsored by Crystal Pump. This pre-workout provides long-lasting energy for any marathon training session. And right now, you can enter to win one of Brian Shaw's Evolution Athletics support belts by signing up for the Crystal Pump newsletter.

The hamstrings get overlooked far too often, but they SHOULD be the heroes of leg day, driving big lifts and stage-worthy physiques. We've got the 12 best hamstring exercises so you never neglect them again.

Chris Bumstead didn't just rise to the top of bodybuilding via genetics. He had to pair some serious mentality training with his sessions in the gym. Here's how he does it.

Training abs for strength can be different than training for aesthetics. And what about training them on the road or at home? We have your ultimate guide to abdominal training (which we think everyone should read).


12 Best Hamstring Exercises, Period

Credit: Microgen / Shutterstock

"Hamstrings for go, quad stomps for show" — someone, probably

“Don’t skip leg day” has almost become a meme in the gym, warning dedicated lifters to give lower body training as much emphasis, intensity, and attention as their upper body.

That’s all well and good, but even when it comes to “leg day,” many lifters still end up skipping a relatively large portion of their lower body. Not even addressing the flamingo-legged elephant in the room that is calf training. The more urgent body part that deserves your attention is the hamstrings.


Chris Bumstead Shares His “Champion Mentality”

Image: Chris Bumstead on YouTube

Dynasties are built on three-peats. Legends are built on four.

On Dec. 16-18, 2022, in Las Vegas, NV, three-time reigning Classic Physique Olympia champion Chris Bumstead will attempt to continue his legacy with a fourth consecutive Olympia title. Bumstead already holds the most Classic Physique Olympia championships in history — his third victory surpassed the two earned by former champ Breon Ansley.

On Nov. 10, 2022, Bumstead took to his YouTube channel to publish a video titled “Champion Mentality,” wherein he shared his inner monologue as the bodybuilder on top of the Classic Physique mountain. Bumstead’s speech was almost a spoken word poem about his experiences as champion — and the lack of glamour that comes with it — despite what all the publicity might make his life seem like.


Support Yourself

How many times have you taken a pricey pre-workout before the gym, only to crash well before your final set? If you’re looking for a boost that stays with you from warm-ups to cool-downs, Crystal Pump is up to the task.

Packed with caffeine, betaine, di-caffeine malate, beta-alanine, and other powerful ingredients, this pre-workout provides sustained energy for strength athletes to do their thing for as long as they need to. Crystal Pump also comes in three delicious flavors: Rock Candy, Red Alert, and Pineapple OG.

Crystal Pump is all about supporting strength athletes' focus and energy — but now, they’re also looking after athletes’ spines during their toughest lifts. In November, Crystal Pump is giving away one of Brian Shaw's Evolution Athletic support belts to their newsletter subscribers. Just sign up here to be entered to win.


The Ab Guide We All Need

Credit: RomarioIen / Shutterstock

They're GO muscles and SHOW muscles, after all. Have we this theme too much today?

Your abs may be under a layer or two of fat, but the solution isn’t only in the kitchen. Yes, nutrition has a lot to do with how lean you can get and how quickly you can view your coveted abs, but the right training can move things along and will ensure a great-looking midsection waits on the other side of all that hard work.

Here are some ab workouts to get your midsection in shape while your diet does its job. Whether you’re training in a fully equipped gym or at home with the bare minimum, when it’s time to reveal your new look, you’ll have the shape and muscularity ready to show off.


Romania Preview

Image: @brett_wilkin on Instagram