💪 11 Recovery Tips for Lifters Over 40

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Summer has officially arrived! (Though you’ve probably been flaunting a beach physique since Memorial Day.) If you still need to make some gains, The Ripped Report has you covered.

Here’s what made the list today:

  • Eleven recovery tips for lifters over 40.

  • The best foods to help you bulk on a budget.

  • Three incline bench press tips from bodybuilder Hunter Labrada.


Bounce Back Over 40

Image: Slava Dumchev via Shutterstock

You can be in fantastic shape no matter what age you are — all it takes is a bit of TLC in the form of proper training and nutrition. But just like a car needs extra maintenance as the mileage increases, the same goes for our bodies as we age.

Once you hit your 40s, you’ll need to adjust your recovery routine to adapt. No more bouncing back from two-a-day workouts like you did in your 20s. But don't worry, because there are things you can do to speed up your healing process.

Adjusting your workout routine, fueling your body with the right foods and supplements, and prioritizing your sleep all play a crucial role in getting you back to the gym without aches and pains.

Want more? Well, we've got 11 recovery hacks for anyone 40 and up.


Bulking on a Budget

GIF: @texasarchive

To build muscle, you need to eat a ton of food. Like, a lot. You’ve gotta chow down to get those gains, even if you’re not a pro bodybuilder.

But, as you know all too well, groceries can be pricey. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of affordable foods to help you pack on muscle without breaking the bank.

The article below details the best protein, carbohydrates, and fats that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Prepare to save some dough and add serious muscle to your body.


Master the Incline Press

Image: Hunter Labrada via YouTube

Do you want to get a thicker frame and maximize your chest gains? Don't just focus on the regular bench press — it's time to zone in on your upper pecs, too. And one of the best exercises for engaging the upper chest is the incline dumbbell bench press.

But like any exercise, you won’t adequately target those muscles with flawed technique. Everything from your bench angle to how you grip the weights will dictate the move's effectiveness.

Lucky for you, Men's Open bodybuilder Hunter Labrada took to his YouTube channel to share a few vital tips to ensure you're targeting those muscles the right way.


All the Whey

Image: Transparent Labs

With so many protein powders on the market, it can be difficult to pick our favorite. Thankfully, Transparent Labs made the decision easier with their 100-percent grass-fed whey isolate powder.

This top-notch powder features a higher protein dose than most others on the market at 28 grams per serving. They even keep the other macros low, with only one gram of carbs per serving and no fat. Plus, it’s full of helpful micronutrients like calcium, iron, and potassium.

Transparent Labs also stretches beyond plain vanilla and chocolate by introducing unique flavor options like cinnamon French toast and oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. Find out more about what this powder has to offer below.


The Cost of Bodybuilding

Image: @martfitzh2o on Instagram

  • Have you ever wondered how much it costs to be a pro bodybuilder? Men’s Open competitor Martin Fitzwater shared some details here.

  • You know that the overhead press is a staple for building boulder shoulders, but the Z Press may be the best variation you’re not doing. Read about it here.

  • A nagging knot and sore muscles are commonplace after a workout. Find out how a massage gun can help in this review of the Theragun Mini 2.